Queen Phoenix, our beloved community organizer and peace activist that brought us the first march after Trump’s presidency, the Love Rally, and the Protect Our Muslim Neighbors Rally, needs our immediate help. Ever since Phoenix made global news in November with their inclusive peace movement here in Colorado, they’ve been under unwarranted police surveillance. The surveillance led to an aggressive arrest of their entire family, a destructive search of their home, an attempted seizure of their vehicle and grossly distorted criminal marijuana charges. Therefore Phoenix urgently needs the support of our community before their trial begin on October 16th. Help keep their compassionate family together!
Our goal is to raise enough funds for a proper defense lawyer who understands the connection between Queen Phoenix’s peaceful activism and these exaggerated marijuana charges. Without a proper lawyer and defense plan, Phoenix could be facing prison time and separation from their newly growing family.
Help keep this family together and keep the prevent the travesty an infant child being separated from their birth parent by incarceration. A monetary donation of any amount towards their defense will quickly add-up for the ever expensive legal justice fees. Whether it’s $20 or $2,000, it’ll be a gift that will be appreciated by Phoenix, their family, and our community.
And please help us SPREAD THE WORD!
Each time this story is shared, it can bring in hundreds of dollars. Please share it on social media platforms!
Ever since Phoenix made international news with their inclusive peace movement back in November, they’ve been under unwarranted police surveillance. An undercover officer, named Jessica Delarow, posed as an activist community member and befriended Phoenix. Delarow then joined online committee groups and attended rallies and marches for a month before contact with Phoenix was made. During the arrest, a gun was pointed at Phoenix’s pregnant stomach and another at the face of their innocent passenger. When their home was searched, Denver Police seized important activism planning documents for the movement and destroyed their home surveillance cameras. This case is not only important to our local community, but for the safety, privacy and justice of all peaceful protestors and activists.
According to research by the ACLU, the Denver Police Department has been known to collect and keep files on peaceful protesters for at least the past 15 years. They have an entire Intelligence Surveillance unit that is dedicated to - for lack of better words - harass those of us who seek change in the most peaceful ways. Last October (2016), the department was caught with a subscription to a very powerful software tool called Geofeedia which monitors all social media sites. The local Westword did a full article on the DPD’s history of surveillance featuring Phoenix’s story.
Queen Phoenix has planned community events from hundreds to tens of thousands strong in the name of justice. They are a full-time peace activist who recently moved to the city of Denver to evoke change. Phoenix also moved here in hopes of finding a better quality of life as a queer, female-bodied, androgynous person of color. After the election of Trump, Phoenix has spearheaded the movement Community for Unity - a peaceful collective of neighbors focused on providing a safe space for people of all colors, cultures, ages, physical & mental abilities, gender expressions, orientations, and spiritualities. Your donation has a ripple effect on Phoenix, their family and the many communities they affect.
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