Hi my name is Felix Rosales, I would like to share a little about myself. I'm happily married to a wonderful woman of 7yrs. Who has been by my side through all the trials and test that life has brought our way. I also have 2 beautiful, smart, caring teenage children whom i recently have not been able to see due to the injury i sustain.
All my life I've been humble, caring, giving and loving with everything i have within me. But since my injury my life has taken a turn for the worst.
In February 2012 i was arrested for a misdemeanor charge. While in custody of Roanoke City Jail, i was assaulted by another inmate, which substantiate to me having a broken jaw. I reportrd the matter to the CO's whom then it them 2 days to take me to see the Dentist at the jails facility who misdiagnosis me of having a swollen jaw. My pain continue to worsen to the point where i was unable to eat or chew. Then they decided 11 DAYS AFTER I WAS ASSAULTED TO TAKE ME TO AN ORAL SURGEON WHO AT THIS POINT COULD DO NOTHING TO HELP BECAUSE OF THE DELAY FROM ROANOKE CITY JAIL.
Ive sinve then seen several other professionals to get opinion and what actions needed to be taken to fix/correct my jaw.
Dr. Paul Henny DDS. of Roanoke (540)774-5017. Did a proper expert though & complete comprehensive evauation procedure.
Dr. Henny contacted a Doctor in Florida, Dr. Mark Piper, M.D DMD who he thought was the only one who could properly do the reconstruction needed for procedure. They would have to surgically remove a piece of my rib to process of mandible in order to proper reset jaw. Also after the extensive procedure is done the healing process can take up to 6 months.
Thanks for your understanding and support.
Also i posted photos and legal documents in regards to my injury.

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