It's been a battle that I'm near ready to walk away from! Nothing I do seems to work!
I've tried filling Pro se' . I've hired an attorney, who only represented me once & quit! He said I didn't have enough money to pay him to handle this case!
I've been divorced from my children's mother since November 2005. It's been a constant battle. She filed false reports with the Child service center. That were unfounded & just harassment! She filed false police reports & had me arrested. Only in court I was able to prove I was at work & no where near her! I was released but lost my job with the State because I was arrested on their property! She would show up at my job(s), block my car in & scream at me because she only got $200 that week in child support instead of the ordered $250.00. There were more times than not that she received more than due for the month! One month I was short $8.00 ,so she took me to court for the $8.00. Where I was told to pay a purge of $3,000 because I failed to pay support as ordered! Our youngest daughter ended up with a skull fracture with swelling to her head! The incident report states " the father hasn't been around the children four weeks " .To date our daughter has trouble with the eye! The former wife threatened to kill the children & herself! This was overheard at a plasma center, where I was donating because I missed a day of work due to court. I didn't want to be short again! The nurse at the center called 911,a report was filed & investigation by child service center. They deemed that she was just upset about my not helping with child support! Humm,I've paid more than ordered at times! The former wife called yet another one of my jobs & told the owner that I didn't deserve the little bit a week that I brought home. The former wife informed the owner of the company,that she deserved every penny & to send it to her! I was fired because she did this every week for six months straight! The former wife has laid down behind my truck with one of my daughters & started screaming I was trying to kill her & our daughter. It's always something with the former wife. The State of Florida is more for the mother's & all for punishing the father's! I've honestly tried & can prove it! The former wife charges my parents "visitation fees " of $2,500 every six months! My father's company went under,he lost his job. He couldn't pay the "visitation fees " any more, so they haven't seen the children since December 2016,because they can't pay to see the children. There aren't any grandparents laws in Florida. The former wife tried to take out a restraining order on my wife,stating my wife tried to run her over at the post office! Yep in court again! My wife proved she was over an hour away at the time of the supposed incident. The order was dropped, but nothing was done to the former wife for filing a false police report or taking up courts time. The former wife did this to another female I dated for a short time after our divorce, she left me because she couldn't deal with my former wife. She would take me to court every three weeks from 2005 to present date! The former wife took me to court for a dentist bill she said was due in the amount of $1,600.00. I gained the name of the dentist office. I took my court papers to the office. They stated that my daughter had only been in their office once & never returned, that only $40 for office visit was due! I got a certified copy & letter from the office, I presented it to court but was still ordered to pay the $1,600 because the former wife might find a different provider & I'd have to pay anyway! I've asked for change of Venue & was denied! I've provided every year My tax forms, my current address & showed proof that I've kept in contact with child support agencies! She took me to court once because she found out my current wife was pregnant. The judge actually ordered that my wife not be within 400 yards of visitation. Why? Because my former wife said she didn't want to see me & my wife together at exchange! My wife refused to be home on the weekends I actually got to visit with daughters.My current wife didn't want to be accused of anything, so she worked 12 hour shifts while the children were at the house! My former wife still found ways to harass my current wife! The former wife would show up at my wife's job & show out! My wife was let go from her job at the hospital because the former wife changed the children's dental provider to the one down stairs . The former wife would walk the entire second floor looking for my wife! The second floor is the surgical wing. My current wife was in charge of surgical supplies & was up & down the hall to gather equipment. One instance my former wife fell to the floor & started screaming that my current wife had beat her. Thank goodness for video! It showed my current wife hitting herself in the face with her hair brush! But my current wife was still fired.She was told they couldn't have this happening since she was in charge of surgical supplies. That they couldn't afford someone in surgery, nor getting what they needed because of this incident with my former wife! I'd go months at a time without seeing our daughters! NO MATTER HOW hard I fought, I just couldn't get anywhere! I paid/ pay child support & half of all non covered medical bills. I am forced to pay her attorney to take me to court. Before our divorce was final she moved in with a man she met at work and had twins in August 2005. I'm struggling. I'm dying inside & at my wits end. I've tried to fight. I've paid support, medical & her lawyer every month. I'm left with no money to take care of my five year old son,who's autistic & wears leg braces. I can't keep employment because she keeps getting me fired.
Will you please help me afford a good lawyer? Please....You can go to the link I provided to see the he'll we've been through. Me, my daughters, my wife & family.
I've tried filling Pro se' . I've hired an attorney, who only represented me once & quit! He said I didn't have enough money to pay him to handle this case!
I've been divorced from my children's mother since November 2005. It's been a constant battle. She filed false reports with the Child service center. That were unfounded & just harassment! She filed false police reports & had me arrested. Only in court I was able to prove I was at work & no where near her! I was released but lost my job with the State because I was arrested on their property! She would show up at my job(s), block my car in & scream at me because she only got $200 that week in child support instead of the ordered $250.00. There were more times than not that she received more than due for the month! One month I was short $8.00 ,so she took me to court for the $8.00. Where I was told to pay a purge of $3,000 because I failed to pay support as ordered! Our youngest daughter ended up with a skull fracture with swelling to her head! The incident report states " the father hasn't been around the children four weeks " .To date our daughter has trouble with the eye! The former wife threatened to kill the children & herself! This was overheard at a plasma center, where I was donating because I missed a day of work due to court. I didn't want to be short again! The nurse at the center called 911,a report was filed & investigation by child service center. They deemed that she was just upset about my not helping with child support! Humm,I've paid more than ordered at times! The former wife called yet another one of my jobs & told the owner that I didn't deserve the little bit a week that I brought home. The former wife informed the owner of the company,that she deserved every penny & to send it to her! I was fired because she did this every week for six months straight! The former wife has laid down behind my truck with one of my daughters & started screaming I was trying to kill her & our daughter. It's always something with the former wife. The State of Florida is more for the mother's & all for punishing the father's! I've honestly tried & can prove it! The former wife charges my parents "visitation fees " of $2,500 every six months! My father's company went under,he lost his job. He couldn't pay the "visitation fees " any more, so they haven't seen the children since December 2016,because they can't pay to see the children. There aren't any grandparents laws in Florida. The former wife tried to take out a restraining order on my wife,stating my wife tried to run her over at the post office! Yep in court again! My wife proved she was over an hour away at the time of the supposed incident. The order was dropped, but nothing was done to the former wife for filing a false police report or taking up courts time. The former wife did this to another female I dated for a short time after our divorce, she left me because she couldn't deal with my former wife. She would take me to court every three weeks from 2005 to present date! The former wife took me to court for a dentist bill she said was due in the amount of $1,600.00. I gained the name of the dentist office. I took my court papers to the office. They stated that my daughter had only been in their office once & never returned, that only $40 for office visit was due! I got a certified copy & letter from the office, I presented it to court but was still ordered to pay the $1,600 because the former wife might find a different provider & I'd have to pay anyway! I've asked for change of Venue & was denied! I've provided every year My tax forms, my current address & showed proof that I've kept in contact with child support agencies! She took me to court once because she found out my current wife was pregnant. The judge actually ordered that my wife not be within 400 yards of visitation. Why? Because my former wife said she didn't want to see me & my wife together at exchange! My wife refused to be home on the weekends I actually got to visit with daughters.My current wife didn't want to be accused of anything, so she worked 12 hour shifts while the children were at the house! My former wife still found ways to harass my current wife! The former wife would show up at my wife's job & show out! My wife was let go from her job at the hospital because the former wife changed the children's dental provider to the one down stairs . The former wife would walk the entire second floor looking for my wife! The second floor is the surgical wing. My current wife was in charge of surgical supplies & was up & down the hall to gather equipment. One instance my former wife fell to the floor & started screaming that my current wife had beat her. Thank goodness for video! It showed my current wife hitting herself in the face with her hair brush! But my current wife was still fired.She was told they couldn't have this happening since she was in charge of surgical supplies. That they couldn't afford someone in surgery, nor getting what they needed because of this incident with my former wife! I'd go months at a time without seeing our daughters! NO MATTER HOW hard I fought, I just couldn't get anywhere! I paid/ pay child support & half of all non covered medical bills. I am forced to pay her attorney to take me to court. Before our divorce was final she moved in with a man she met at work and had twins in August 2005. I'm struggling. I'm dying inside & at my wits end. I've tried to fight. I've paid support, medical & her lawyer every month. I'm left with no money to take care of my five year old son,who's autistic & wears leg braces. I can't keep employment because she keeps getting me fired.
Will you please help me afford a good lawyer? Please....You can go to the link I provided to see the he'll we've been through. Me, my daughters, my wife & family.
Here's the break down:
Childsupport$250 a week
Medical co payments $50.00 a week
Former wife attorney fees$50.00 a week
I'm left with $30 after taxes and these bills paid.
I need help gathering funds to hire an attorney.

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