This story is about 2 people being targeted by the local Sheriff's Department. My name is Jane and my boyfriend's name is Jon (names withheld because of cases) We have been trying to fight this cause on our own because we do not have the funds to hire an attorney. We both had 4 felony counts filed against us (same charges and same evidence). My charges were dismissed due to lack of probable cause. Jon was found guilty on 3 of the counts. Confusing that he was found guilty when mine were dismissed and the county attorney's office used the same evidence. Those charges are on Appeal. The past 5 years have been mentally and physically exhausting. We have had everything taken from us including our place to live, personal belongings, employment and our reputation. We have lost friends and family due to the wrongdoing by the sheriff's department. We do have concrete proof of the harassment and wrongdoing. We have tried fighting this on our own but can't get justice from the courts. It's just too hard for me to represent myself and Jon because the sheriff's department and county attorney's office continue to pile more and more on us. Most recent case where we had the evidence needed to prove the case and the Defendant didn't even bother showing up and we still lost! We have tried filing complaints with the sheriff's department regards to someone forging my name to gain a vehicle title (took 2 months for the sheriff's department to finally take complaint) but made me do the investigating to get the proof of forgery which I did and they are still not helping us. We have had multiple search warrants that have been illegal and multiple occasions where the sheriff's have searched our property without warrant or consent. They have allowed multiple people to take things from us without proof of ownership. The people just point to the item and say it's theirs and sheriff's department gives it to them. We have provided bills of sale and other kinds of proof of ownership and the items are still taken from us. The sheriff's department and county attorney's office have taken everything from us. They continuously tell people we are bad people, we lie, steal and say we have been charged and convicted multiple times. Which is a blatant lie. We have multiple cases going on trying to get some justice but the courts, sheriff's and county attorney's office keep making new loopholes so we lose or have to file another motion which is so hard for us to keep fighting on our own. The sheriff's department refused to file an accident report when our suburban was hit by someone who was trespassing on our property. And there is so much more wrongdoing that its too much to write it all here. I do have the evidence to support everything i am saying if anyone would like to see it. We need to hire an attorney to put a stop to what is happening to us and as important to stop anything like this to happen to other people. We have about lost everything and are to a point of complete devastation.
Please help us raise funds to hire an attorney so we can prove to the community that there is much wrongdoing by the local justice system (sheriffs, county attorney's office and courts).

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