Hi I'm Heather. Most of you know me by now as Anthony's Significant Other and most of all one of his best friends for over 4 years now. I am very close to him and I feel I need to do this for him.
As many of you know because Anthony is not shy with his business Anthony has been having many, many of legal troubles in the past two months. He does his best to keep things a secret and not try to worry everyone but those who knows what is going on honestly are getting worried at this point. Up until this point Anthony has been doing everything the majority himself without a lawyer, but let me tell you why.
Anthony was pulled over about two months ago and informed he had warrants out of Southampton. They didn't tell him for what or why he had them but he cooperated and went with the Officer because he was told Southampton would like to have a discussion with him. That was not the case at all. Anthony had spent 24hrs in County and I was rudely told that basically it was a ruse to get him to go with the officer that they had no intentions of even talking to him. After getting bailed out we started our research to find out this all stemmed from a ticket in 2013-2014 not exactly sure but the ticket was paid than and so was the Reinstatement fee that was assessed by the state. We found out that the wonderful Judge in Southampton had a hold on his DMV documents for years and never recinded it. Anthony is a good man and has been in court almost every week for the past two months astleast twice a week literally for a letter from the judge to take to DMV and get this all taken care of.
Last week Anthony went infront of the judge and requested the letter to get everything handled, even talked to the prosecuter and stated he would pay something but not what he was being charged with just to get this done which the prosecuter agreed to. Well the Judge shot it down and is refusing to give Anthony the Recind letter. Let me tell you what he is looking at so you get a better understanding of everything. They wish to charge him with 3.....YES 3.....driving while suspendeds and for him to spend 180 days in Jail, 3 years loss of license, and fines exceeding $5000. As you can image Anthony will not be pleading guilty to this. The court house could not provide 1 of the DWS tickets to him as he thinks it never happened and is a trumped up charge. He now has to get a lawyer and anyone with children as he does have 2 knows that this is a financial killer. He has gone to a friend that has helped him out in the past and is a great lawyer but this guy definitely needs this money. Anthony in very in tune as a dad and see his kids multiple days every week and just wants this to be over for them. Financially this is ruining him and he needs help even though he never admits it.
Let me tell you why I am doing this. The man I see today is not the man we all know, not the man I met. It gets worse everyday. He is suffering on the inside and not letting anyone know. I know he is at his breaking point with all of this. He has helped many people and now I feel he needs ours. Anyone that knows him knows how upbeat he is and he just looks beaten an defeated now. His anxiety and depression are at an all time high. He is on the brink of giving up and I can tell. I have taken him out places to take his mind off of things as you all can see but he is getting worse and anyone that is by him can tell. I do this for him out of love, admiration and respect. You all need to understand this fight is literally over a letter.....180 days in jail for a letter the judge will not give. He will loose everything. His kids, his livelihood all for this judge to make an example. This is not right and I am asking you to help him.

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