My name is Carrie. I'm an Art Therapist and Professor and more importantly; I'm a single mom of an almost 3 year old. I'm not bragging about being a single mom, in fact, I wish with everything in me I wasn't. My daughter deserves a healthy and loving family. I can confidently say I did my part in providing her with that. I'm not perfect, goodness knows, but I try with everything in me to put my daughter first. It took me a long time to leave her dad. It took me realizing that I wasn't removing my sweet daughter from a loving and safe home, but moving her away from a potentially dangerous one. A couple months ago, to my surprise, he began using drugs, that are rare to our culture, to try to induce spiritual visions. I empathized with his desire to be close to God, thought it was a phase, and I stayed. A turning point for me was the developing pattern of him leaving his drugs where our daughter could get them. I moved out and took our daughter with me. It's both the hardest and easiest decision I've ever made. I'm a mental health therapist and am aware of the effects that separated families have on a child; I'm also aware of how negectful and parental behaviors effect them. So, I chose the lesser of two evils, metaphorically speaking.
So, after a restraining order (family protective order because of violence) to protect us, custody battle, and attorney fees, I am asking for help.
His family is wealthy, very wealthy. My is not, and they are still willing to use everything they have to help pay for attorney fees. I can't tell you how much it hurts inside to have asked them for help. This is my fight. This is my responsibility. This is my child's life. Realistically though, I need help.
I'm not willing to passively let my daughter end up with a custody schedule that isn't the best for her because I ran out of money for attorney representation. I want my daughter to be with her dad, but only once he's healthy.
I truly believe my daughter will have a good life. I believe in the goodness of her father, even though it's hard sometimes, and pray he will be a great dad in the future. Until then, I need help with attorney fees. I was niave enough to think that since I am a good mom this would be a breeze. Instead this seems to be a battle of financial endurance. It's pricey.
If you are in a position to do so, will you, or your church, help by donating money that doesn't in any way put a strain on you, your family, or organization?
Thanks for considering,

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