The Never Ending Case
Thanks you for taking the time to read my story.
I'm a single dad who has been entrenched within the Family Court System for almost six years now. If your a single father who has gone thought this or going through it now, I sympathies with you. I'm sorry for the loss you've experienced in your life as well. What they taken from us is sacred to us as father's as it is just as equally to our child.
It is those moments that we wish we were there for. It is the torment that the mother of our children bestow upon us by alienating us from our kids. They take time that we will never get back. We must put an end to this once and for all and that requires us to fight for what is right. I truly feel that my quest to solve my case is not just for my sake, but for the sake of anyone else who finds them faced with these issues in our current legal system.
Please help me put a stop to this, by helping me brining my child home.

About Me
I grew up in Southern California where I lived for 18 years of my life. After high school I relocated to Washington with my family where I helped them run a family owned business before venturing off on my own to began a career in the mortgage business at just 20 years old. I purchased my first home two years later and maintained it for 10 years. Ever since I was a little kid, I had always envisioned myself working hard and to one day marry a woman to start a family with. I always had the dream to give my children the loving family life that I was blessed to enjoy growing up as a kid. In 2008 I was promoted to a management position in Phoenix Arizona. There I met a girl who I once knew to be the woman of my dreams.
About Us
She I and dated for 3.5 years. We never lived together during that time because made the choice to go the traditional route. We figured if we followed gods will and did everything “right” our marriage would last forever. After proposing at the top of Camel Back Mountain in Arizona, I saved my money for an entire year and paid $22,000 to give her the wedding of her dreams. We then went on our honeymoon where we became pregnant with our child.

It wasn’t until 5 days later that I was subpoenaed with court papers. It was at that moment I read what happened. Instead of going about our divorce in an amicable manner, she and her mother who was visiting us from San Antonio initiated their case via an ex-parte hearing in King County Civil Court. They made false accusations of domestic violence and claimed that their lives would be in danger if they were not granted the right to flee the state immediately. Without any evidence or even a single police report, a King County Judge issued them a temporary order authorizing them right to leave the state with my child.
"The Justice Department found that 41% of parental abductions occurred before the marital relationship ended. Id. at 8. 7."
During the initial stages our case, the opposing counsel was attorney Amanda DuBois. In their statement to the court, they were requesting that I be evaluated by a man named Douglas Bartholomew.
After researching this man I quickly realized my wife was not being honest about her interest in saving our marriage. She was trying to set me up for failure at the recommendation of her attorney Miss BuBois.
What I found was that Bartholomew was regarded by the court as an "expert" in the area of DV. He provided many evaluations for cases in King County. Over a 20 year span and during that time this man destroyed the lives of many fathers and their rights to their children.
The most alarming article we found talked about how Bartholomew, when questioned on the stand in a recent case, admits to never evaluating a man who does not need DV Treatment.
Followed by several others:
I would later find that my hunch about Bartholomew was correct. After my attorney stated my concerns about him in court, I agreed to complete two separate DV Evaluations. One evaluator chosen by the court, and one I voluntarily obtained on my own. By the end, both findings concluded the same. No DV Occurred.
After my case was dropped, published in the Seattle Weekly newspaper read...
"Mental Health Counselor Douglas Bartholomew Stripped of Domestic Violence Cases"
That is when I knew I had some pretty damming evidence to support that Attorney DuBois had intentionally tried to interfere with my parental rights to my child. She knew that if she could get me to be evaluated by Bartholomew, I would inevitably be found guilty of DV. As you can hear in testimony from my case, my attorney suggested that she was “Judge Shopping”. Commissioner Ponomarchuk followed by angrily voicing his opinion about DuBois’s repeated history in his story about “the boy who cried wolf”. Yet despite all of this, the court still allowed this case to continue, and it ultimately dictated the outcome in favor of the mother to move to Texas.
As a result of several extensions and unnecessary delays, I was wrongfully separated from my daughter for 5 months in the initial stages of our divorce. After the DV case got delayed yet again, she was required to fly up from San Antonio to Seattle several times in the months preceding towards our divorce. The judge required that I be giving residential time with my daughter in Seattle.
This time in her life was truly heartbreaking to experience. I hated sing my child have to fly back in fourth, yet even with the little time I had with my daughter back then, her mother and maternal grandmother still continue to torment me and my baby.
During my first weekend visit with her during this time, her and her mother left my daughter with me at my home. The then preceded to violate their own temporary restraining order by remain parked down the street from my house in the blazing heat for 8 hours. They called the police on me when I took my child to church. The cops agreed with me and the orders written by the judge, yet the next day they refused to give me my child unless I agreed to paying for a supervised visit even though the judge did not require supervised visits. They would later be yelled at in court by Commissioner Ponomarchuk for pulling this stunt as well. This drug on and on for 1.5 year of my child's life and it destroyed me along the way.
The entire DV case and divorced in Washington State cost my family and me over $50,000 to protect my rights to my child. In the end it was proven that domestic violence never occurred and they dropped their case. We were then transferred to Family Court to begin divorce proceedings. Despite spending all that time and money to have my child returned to Washington, she was quickly granted the right to formally relocate with our daughter. As the judges ruling states, motion to relocate with the child is granted,
“due to the 5 month’s that the father was not been in the child’s life”
In essence, she and her mother had effectively gotten away scot-free with Interstate Child Abduction. It was carried out by means of false accusations that were strategically crafted to work within a failed legal system. Despite her attorney being called out on this in court for having a history of “judge shopping”and “manipulating the court process” the outcome of this case still ended the way they wanted it to.
My Current Situation
After our divorce settled, I moved to San Antonio and have been living here for five and a half years. Although I have made every right choice for the best interest of my child, her mother and maternal grandmother have relentlessly continued to disrupt any sense of peace I find in my life by continuing to further isolate me from my child. Every time my life seems to be get back on track, they manage blindside me with something new to drag me through the mud in court with. These repeated efforts which I have yet to gain relief from, has continued to derail any financial progress I have been able to make for myself.
Over these last 5 years they have filed false CPS reports, violated court orders, withheld my child from me on multiple occasions, and now in this current debacle, they have colluded with a spiteful ex employee I had been managing and was advised to let go at the direction of my upper management. This is a 51 year old careless woman who turned hostile towards me because I didn't have an interest in pursuing a relationship with her. She knew that I was fighting a new modification case on my parenting plan as a pro-se litigant and decided to spitefully retaliate against me by colluding with my ex-wife to file a 2nd false CPS report. Although that report was closed and found inconclusive, the mother of my child is now taking the law into her own hands by withholding my daughter from me yet again!
At this point I’m sure you can understand why I can say I’m tired. The stress of the first case alone was enough to cripple the human body. But on top of that, my neck hurts every day from two herniated disks that were caused by a hit and run accident that happened shortly after they filed this recent modification case. I feel physically and emotionally exhausted from years of being in a consistent state of emotional distress at the mercy of these people. The worst part now is that I miss my daughter who I know loves me dearly and is wondering why her daddy is not there. Over the years her mother has trained her to think that daddy work is more important and is too busy for her. This is Parental Alienation at its finest. It is causing my child hand and I need it to stop.
I know that I cannot do this on my own anymore. I have sought help from every legal aid resource I could find yet nobody seems to be willing to help unless I pay him or her money that I do not have anymore.
The last attorney I was referred to by Legal Shield named Alison Hicks required I pay her a retainer fee of $3,750 and after that she refused to return a single phone call. She abandoned my case and several months later sent me a bill for $3,750. I’m now trying to work with the Bar Association to get that money back. This is not the first time she's done this, as you can see from other's who posted similar reviews on Avvo.

Why I'm Raising This Money
Your contribution towards this cause will be used to bring several people to justice for interfering with my parental rights. I intend to seek primary residential custody of my daughter because my child deserves to be with the parent who mission in life is not to remove the other parent from her life. With proper funding for my case, and the right legal team, this case has the potential to make a ground-breaking impact in the fight for fathers rights in our country.
Interstate child abduction is one of the worst things that can happen to a child if the other parent could not just up and move like I did. Kids are often being taken away from loving fathers who they need and desire in their lives.This sort of thing has continued to destroy the lives of men like me for far to many years, and some have unfortunately taken their own lives as a result of things like this.
I consider myself lucky that god has given me the strength continue on as long as I have. I know that I made the right choice to follow my child but if I don’t find a way to raise this money, I feel that I may have no choice but throw up my arms and walk away. I really don’t want to do that but the mother of my child continues to violate court orders and she continues to gets away it as she is backed by an seemingly endless supply of money from her parents. I know I am only one out of many who have experienced these things in life. But with your help I will promise to stay committed to taking this case as far as I have to and prevail in my cause to bring radical reform to a system that is truly harming our children.
Thank you for your generous contribution to helping me seek justice for my daughter.

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