Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Give A Seven Year Old Time with Daddy
My name is Rhett. I am in a custody battle with my ex to get more time with my son. My ex-wife and I divorced when our son was two years old. He has lived primarily with her. When we divorced I moved out of the small town where everyone knew our situation. I moved to the metro area to find work. I accepted parenting time with my son for every other weekend, as the two hour drive between his mom and I was too much when he was so little. My ex then moved down also and we co-parented decently well for awhile. I then asked if I could have more time with our son, now that we were close enough together. She began pushing me out of my son's life and began to mentally manipulate him. I am trying to get equal parenting time, so that my son gets to spend a lot of time with both of his parents. I currently only get every other weekends, ten days in June and ten days in July, a week over winter break and every other Thanksgiving. I miss out on most holidays and have never gotten him on his birthday. His mom will not allow any other time with me. We have a court appointed advisor to determine what is best for our son, and there is no reasonable excuse for his mom to not give up some of her time to make it equal. We are very close to the end of our case but I can no longer afford my attorney to finish out. I need to pay him back the $5600 plus come up with $2000 more to finish the last two steps. I have tried to compromise with his mom to come up with new schedules and ways to transition our son to the new schedule and she will not work with me. I can't lose my lawyer now.

Thursday, July 20, 2017
Free Jose Luis Sanchez! Stop Trump's Deportations!
Help us stop the deportation of Jose Luis Sanchez Ronquillo, a respected member of the Ann Arbor, MI community. Jose Luis Sanchez and his family urgently need your help, and are raising money to support his family's living expenses: food, housing, and bills, his legal costs, and to pay for community mobilizations crucial to winning his case.
Stopping Donald Trump’s vicious campaign of terrrorization and mass deportations of immigrants can be defeated if we fight. Trump is politically vulnerable and exposed, so his presidency now clings precariously to his ability to conduct the racial purge of 11 million immigrants from this nation now under way. This means that EVERY deportation attempted by Trump that we succeed in stopping is a victory. The movement built to stop Jose Luis Sanchez' deportation and free him has become a model for defending immigrant rights across the country.
Jose Luis moved here from Mexico in 1999. He has lived in Ann Arbor for nearly twenty years. But now he is sitting in a jail cell in Louisiana. The Trump administration is trying to deport Jose Luis Sanchez, along with millions of other immigrants, without regard to whether it is fair or reasonable or humane. Jose Luis has a work permit and no criminal record. Despite this, last April, when he went into an I.C.E office for his routine, yearly check-in, he was detained and arrested.
Hundreds of Ann Arbor and MI residents have mobilized to stop Jose Luis’ deportation, thwarting I.C.E.’s efforts three separate times. Our efforts to save him are a test of the movement’s strength to stop Trump’s vicious immigration policies. He awaits a federal judge’s decision from I.C.E.’s latest attempt to deport him, and his next hearing will likely be at the Federal Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati. We urgently need your help.

With your support, we can win!

Media coverage of Jose Luis’ fight for freedom
http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/deportation-case-on-hold-for-ann-arbor-man-living-in-us-for-last-18-years (includes news video)

Help Tyler hire an attorney; not a Public Def.
I'm Tyler, a hard working hard headed 23 year old with a daughter that I love and a decent job. I am just barely keeping my head above water and I recently made some bad decisions and experienced a set back.
You have probably heard that justice is for those that can afford it- I can't and I need to hire an attorney. His fee is $4000.
I was pulled over for my tint and charged with possession. With my (unfortunate and shameful) history- a judge, a prosecutor and a public defender might have bad plans for me.
I have paid bond, have tickets to pay for dark tint and had to get my car out of the impound lot. (plus remove the tint)
I have a good job, people that love me and believe in me- but none of us have means for this. I've learned a valuable lesson, the hard way.
I'll work it off or pay you back- but I have to raise $2500. of this quickly to get the attorney to represent me before my first hearing on June 12.
Every little bit helps. I am sorry if I disappointed you- no one is more upset at me than me.

Single mom Traded physical abuse for legal abuse
I am Ebone, I am a 23 year old single mom of an awesome 3 year old little lady. I have had full custody since my daughter was 2 months old in 2014. In the past two years I have worked two jobs while taking care of my daughter and finishing my undergraduate studies. I graduated in May of 2015 on time. I began studying to get my master’s degree in early 2016. I work full time and provide as well as I can for my daughter. Unfortunately, I have been battling her father in court on and off for a little over a year now. While I still have full custody, the constant challenge from my child's father and his lawyer forces me to obtain an attorney just to defend my stance as a mother. This time around the allegations have become even more damaging and are requiring more time on my attorney's end and more money. In the meantime, co-parenting has become impossible as the other parent refuses to help with child care and supplies needed for the childcare center. We live about 200 miles apart and the other parent has forced me to drive the full 400 miles to retrieve our daughter. I have reached out for help from the county where the case is currently and received nothing short of discrimination or no follow up. The constant stress and the costs of all of the proceedings has harshly impacted my life and how I am able to provide for our child. I am constantly faced with the choice of buying groceries and paying daycare tuition or paying my attorney. I have been told I make too much to receive any assistance with legal aid and I have attempted to reach out to the family services program to get information on mediation and help to remedy the situation and have been told "I don't know what to tell you." Given the record of the other parent involved, the only way he can regard me as anything less than an amazing mother is by draining me financially and making is so I am unable to provide for our daughter and still pay an attorney to fight him in court. While this is truly hurtful, I do not want it to be the reason he has the slightest chance in court. Any donations will go to my attorney to fight this case. I have faced physical and verbal abuse for the past two+ years and still have managed to be the absolute best parent for my daughter and I do not want her to face the same issues that I faced by the hands of this man. I will be so thankful to anyone who supports us in getting our life back.
Thank you.

Seek Justice: The William Amor Fund
William "Bill" Amor was wrongfully convicted in September of 1997 of first degree murder by setting a fire in a Naperville condo in September 1995. In April 2017, he was granted a new trial based on new evidence in the form of scientific advances in fire investigation discredited the prosecution's theory of how the fire started. Bill needs our help to start his life over. The DuPage County State’s Attorney has indicated that it will re-try Bill for this crime in September 2017.
On September 10, 1995 a fire started in the apartment Bill Amor shared with his wife Tina and her mother Marianne. The couple had left earlier for a movie, but Marianne was trapped inside the burning building. Police immediately focused on Bill and subjected him to polygraph tests and confiscated his shoes to test for the presence of accelerant. Exhausted after nearly 17 hours of interrogation by police, having been denied food or sleep, and served with divorce papers, Bill finally confessed that he dropped a lit cigarette onto a pile of newspapers that had previously had vodka spilled on them. Naperville fire investigators focused on a single burn pattern near a swivel chair in the home as the point of origin for the fire.
Bill’s confession was the key to the prosecution’s case. False confessions are one of the leading causes of wrongful convictions nationwide and are often made when an individual is under duress or coerced by law enforcement. In addition, fire investigation techniques have undergone major changes since 1995 and the new science has discredited the findings of the original fire investigation. Research undertaken by The Arson Research Project and affiliated fire investigation experts have since shown that the spilled vodka, newspapers and lit cigarette would be impossible as a source of ignition for the fire.
In granting Bill a new trial, the Dupage County Circuit stated: “ Whatever the reasons for the defendant's scientifically impossible confession, the new evidence places the evidence presented at trial in a different light and undercuts this court's confidence in the factual correctness of the guilty verdict.”
Currently, Bill’s legal team includes attorneys from The Illinois Innocence Project based at the University of Illinois Springfield, The Exoneration Project based at the University of Chicago and pro bono counsel from Cozen O’Connor.
I humbly ask for your support of Bill as he begins a new life after 22 years of wrongful incarceration for a crime that he did not commit and probably never occurred.
For More Information:
“Scientific evidence prompts judge to vacate Naperville man's murder conviction” by Clifford Ward, Chicago Tribune (April 6, 2017) <http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/naperville-sun/news/ct-naperville-arson-hearing-0407-20170406-story.html>
“ Man whose conviction in Naperville arson murder was tossed will be retried” by Clifford Ward, Chicago Tribune (April 13, 2017) <http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/naperville-sun/ct-naperville-arson-bond-hearing-0414-20170413-story.html>
"Expert testifies Naperville fire that sent man to prison was accident" By Bill Bird, Naperville Sun (December 13, 2016) <http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/naperville-sun/crime/ct-nvs-naperville-arson-hearing-st-1213-20161212-story.html>
"Agent says smoldering cigarette didn't cause fatal Naperville fire in '95" by Clifford Ward, Chicago Tribune ( December 16, 2016) <http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/naperville-sun/ct-naperville-arson-hearing-1217-20161216-story.html>
“A Case of Vodka: Innocence Project examines murder conviction” by Bruce Rushton, Illinois Times (May 31, 2012) <http://illinoistimes.com/article-10085-a-case-of-vodka.html>
“Case Study: William Amor” The Arson Project <http://thearsonproject.org/case-studies/william-amor/>

My kids deserve to be home with thier siblings
Hi my name is Ashley. I am a 25 year old mother of 4 kids. I started working on a family farm when I was 10years old. From there it went to ups 6yrs then to the Cumberland county schools where I currently still work. I had my first child when I was 19 years old so I grew up young. I been supporting my kids on my own sense my first child. In 2015 my oldest child got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Shortly after that her father took her from me while I was at work and now I can only see her on his terms and when I sneak to see her. Then I got offered a over the road job temporarily. So I was talked into giving my auny physical custody of my other job. We were doing okay with that but sense 2016 she stopped me from seeing her to because she didn't like my life style. Then words got passed back and forth because I'm a real mother and will fight for my kid but in the end I still can't see her. She is planning to move my child to New Mexico at end of this year and I can not let that happen because then I will not see her but during summer. Department of social services tried to help me but they can only go so far with the court system. I really and truly need help on getting my daughter's back home with thier bothers. I do work and I work hard for my kids but I don't have the money for a lawyer with daycare expenses and bills. Someone please help.i pray and go to church every Sunday hoping one day my God will send me an angel and relieve this tragedy that I am going through. Have a bless day

Free political prisoner Eric Clanton
Eric Clanton was the victim of being falsely accused of assault by internet hate groups, which lead to his arrest. Evidence is circumstantial at best and has been heavily doctored by radical hate sites such as 4chan and Stormfront to incriminate Eric. He currently sits in jail awaitng trial for a crime he did not commit. We have made this fundraiser to assist Eric and his family with legal expenses.
Eric is a valuable member of the community and a gentle soul, which makes this false arrest even more of a tragedy. As a college professor, he has touched many student's lives. As a friend, he has always brought a smile to the faces of everyone around him. He constantly fought for the rights of the underprivleged and wanted nothing more than to make this world a better place. A good and honest man's reputation has been tarnished by hateful criminals on the internet and even though he will without a doubt beat the extremely weak case against him, the costs of such a high profile case could be staggering.
We hope to raise as much money as possible to give to Eric's family to cover his bail and legal expenses. As bail is set at $200,000, our first goal is to raise the $20,000 necessary to get Eric released. He does not belong in prison and it isn't right to keep him there.
Please see it in your heart to get Eric back home to his friends and family. An innocent man is in jail.

Help a Single Father and His Children
In February of last year my wife and I separated, so I am now living off of my own income alone. The subsequent (and continuing) legal battle left me with nothing left in savings and living paycheck to paycheck. I cut out everything I can from my expenses, and it is still difficult to make ends meet when I am caring for 3 children and providing all of their insurance, paying for childcare and paying for most of their uninsured medical expenses. All three of my children are in therapy, and one of them is a family member I am fostering that has very frequent medical visits. He is in my care only with no support from anyone else. I have spent all my savings, taken out loans and borrowed from family members in order to pay mounting legal fees caused by the divorce, and I have exhausted every avenue I can to get more money. Then, in December of 2016, I suffered a medical issue that now causes me to have to make very frequent medical visits. Add this to the already frequent visits for the children, and it amounts to taking of a significant amount of time off of work. In fact, I have had to accept a lower-paying position in order to be able to have the kind of flexibility I need to take care of all my needs. I would like to raise the money I need in the next few weeks. I need to pay my mounting medical bills for myself and my children, and I catch up on the household bills I have had to let slide due to my illness. I also need to make sure I can hire representation for the divorce process that is still ongoing, and make sure that I have a fair shot at equal time with my children and to make sure they have everything they need. I will be eternally grateful to anyone who helps out at this very difficult time in my life. It will also show me that there are still those out there that are willing to help a stranger in need.
Funded Justice
Firearm legislation persecution
Kordell Jackson owned a retail firearm store in Henrietta, NY. NY state passed some draconian legislation that was jammed down the throats of state legislators. Firearm merchants had to comply. Kordell has been unfairly persecuted as a result.
1) S.P.D planted a gun that was in police custody prior to the date of alleged crime
2)That Crime lab forms & chain of custody were falsified to hide D.N.A evidence and gunpowder residue evidence ( that impeached key statewitness "detective")
3) That Evidence was being handled and minipulated without chain of custody documentation
4) That key piece of evidence that could very well contain true killers D.N.A mysteriously vanished
5)That Video of Police "Dash Cam" was altered, portions stripped so as to prevent trial usage .(by Detective and Prosecutor)
6)That State Prosecutor allowed falsified testimony to go unchecked while hiding from defense impeaching evidence
All above was discovered through P.D.R.. It shows and Proves Actual Innocence, Due-process violations, Under Supreme Court Ruling "Brady v. Maryland " ; "Napue v. Illinios" ; &"Schulp v. Delo".You might already be aware of the excessive BRADY & NAPUE violations that plague current American Judicial System. This case was to appease public image, by a Police Department that was under so much Controversy of corruption... D.O.J investigated Seattle Police Department from 2010 - 2013 resulting in the Chief of Police resigning. Tomas was demonized by State Prosecutor ,whom as I explained above insured to hide Evidence that was favorable to my defense and intentionally used a gun that he knew was not the murder weapon, while hiding chain of custody that exposed as such. At this time Tomas is representing himself. If you have any will- to help, or know of any righteous person that can, we would appreciate your support.
This case is a painful story of racial profiling and discrimination. From the lack of evidence to the lack of sensitivity by our system towards people of color.Which is why we look to the help of our community and nation to help bring Tomas home by paying for new legal counsel. Currently our brother continues to enrich himself academically and spiritually. Tomas has won multiple awards while incarcerated. He has become an influential writer winning "Toast Masters Competitions" and nominated to speak at events, now we have hit a road block with new evidence that clearly shows his innocence and multiple attorneys who are willing to help with his appeal but require funding that we have not been able to fulfill. Any support you can provide is greatly appreciated we have and always will fight for justice for all, with help of all we can help stop injustices towards all.
Thank you

Curtis Lake/Hapa Hendrix Legal Defense Fund
Although it was self defense, a jury recently found our friend Curtis/Hapa guilty of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon because he used a hammer to defend himself. His friends and I wrote letters and some testified at his sentencing hearing, convincing the judge to give him the minimum sentence allowable under Colorado law of 10 years. There is still a good possibility of getting the sentence reduced further to 6.5 years, but it is necessary to hire his lawyer to file a motion to do so.
He needs your help. The cost of defending himself through trial has exhausted the resources of his new wife, who is in and out of the hospital, suffering through the agonizing loss of her husband.
The cost to file the motion is $3,000.
If you know Curtis/Hapa, you know he would never attack a man. He is a kind soul, always willing to help others. He needs your help now.
Please help me to free my mom
Hello All,
My name is Kamilla and I am seeking your help to help me and my family to get my mom out of jail.
To give you a better idea as to what happened, I would like to say that our problems have started two years ago when the management company of the building where we were living at the time had opened a case against my mom for unpaid rent. We have had money problems for quite some time before that and at the moment, we can even afford a lawyer and I am not sure how else to raise money.
My mom has an elderly father (76) who this year, had lost a son. And now his only daughter is such trouble, so he is not coping well and I need to do something to help. I also am really worried about my mom. I am an only child and she is the most important person I have in my life.
I am currently unemployed but I am looking for a job and working on searching for money from relatives and what not. 

Bring the Hooks Family Home
I am the wife, momma and step-momma of the Hooks family and am reaching out for help to bring our family back home. About 3 years ago my family was torn apart. Just after we found out my youngest son was on the way, my step-son was taken without notice out of state with the promise that he would not return. My husband and I left great jobs, cashed out 401Ks, sold many of our belongings and within 4 months with support from amazing friends and family relocated to a city we'd barely heard of to an apartment we'd never seen to start the process of fighting for my 8 year olds safe return home.
After an array of jobs, hearings, apartments, and the total collapse of my 8 year old's biological mother due to drugs, alcohol abuse, violence and neglect, the court agreed that he (and his little brother from another of her past relationships) be removed from her house all together returning him to my husband and we now have our little boy safely in our full custody. We will be appealing the judge and going to trial in less than 2 months in the effort to relocate back to our home town and bring our baby back to his support system (which includes his cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents - paternal, maternal and step, as his biological mother has broken ties with all of her family and my husband maintains those relationships as well).
We are happy to be expecting the third Hooks boy in July, but the costs are racking up with the new baby, the trial and the potential move. We need to raise the money for the trial and moving costs prior to July 20th (when Baby Hooks is scheduled to arrive). This will give us the leeway to complete the final step in the courts and cover the costs of moving home once and for all!!
Our family could not be more excited at this opportunity. My 8 year old talks non-stop about being back with his extended family at home, My husband looks forward to returning to his job at home (which is still waiting for him, thanks to his amazingly supportive co-workers and management) and completing his teaching degree, I am excited to be home with my closest support system and raise my boys in the community that I love and my 3 year old is just focused on becoming the best big brother in the world.
This would provide the family with the stability we have been struggling to regain since our family was torn apart so suddenly. We could not be more grateful for your love and support.
We are happy to be expecting the third Hooks boy in July, but the costs are racking up with the new baby, the trial and the potential move. We need to raise the money for the trial and moving costs prior to July 20th (when Baby Hooks is scheduled to arrive). This will give us the leeway to complete the final step in the courts and cover the costs of moving home once and for all!!
Our family could not be more excited at this opportunity. My 8 year old talks non-stop about being back with his extended family at home, My husband looks forward to returning to his job at home (which is still waiting for him, thanks to his amazingly supportive co-workers and management) and completing his teaching degree, I am excited to be home with my closest support system and raise my boys in the community that I love and my 3 year old is just focused on becoming the best big brother in the world.
This would provide the family with the stability we have been struggling to regain since our family was torn apart so suddenly. We could not be more grateful for your love and support.

Broken Family
Hello , my name is Ashley. I am desperately trying to raise money for a dear friend of mine (Courtney) and her family. Courtney has been through a lot in her life , and has always managed to care about and help others before herself , now it's my turn to help her and I can't help the way she needs. About two months ago Courtney was admitted to the hospital and had to stay for right at two weeks. While she was there Courtney's fiancee took her four children to Courtney's mom (Veronica) so that he could go to the hospital to be with Courtney. Unknowingly Veronica had no intention on actually helping , she aimed to harm . She refused to give the children back , even once Courtney was out of the hospital. Veronica fabricated a story that can easily be proven to be lies , and has now legally gotten temporary custody of courtneys kids. She has deceitfully done this and everything she has said or done can be proven to be lies/wrong , but as many of you know it is almost impossible to get anywhere without help from an Attorney. So this is why I have turned to funded justice. I have no way to help. I would give my last dollar to help her if I had it but I am a struggling mother myself. Now let me go back a little , Courtney and her mother have always had a rocky relationship. The haven't talked in almost two years prior to Veronica taking the kids. It is my assumption that Veronica has taken the children in order to right her wrongs from being a mother to Courtney. Or she is trying to force Courtney to be involved in her life. I pray for help for Courtney she is a good woman and a wonderful mother and she far from deserves this. Her mother is taking her to court in July for permanent custody of the children and we have to do something. Every dollar helps, every dollar gets her closer to getting kids back. God bless. Thanks in advance for anyone that can help.

Please Help!!!
I am raising funds to help with attorney fees for this young man Martaevous Gillioms. I have watch this kid grow since the age of 7, I have tried to be a father figure to him as much as I could. This kid got out of that gange life he went back to school and graduated, He and I even spoke about getting our law degrees together. He was in the wrong place wrong time, I am raising money for private counsel ($20,000) rather than public defender. I see the potential in this kid and I would hate for his life to end in up in the gutter because he was trying to change his life around. Everyone says their kid is good and what not, But I can honestly says this young man is awesome in my eyes he has done or tried to do everything I have ever asked of him to help try and better his life. I dont ask for help but this is a situation that I have come to realize that anyone of us could find ourself in.

Litigation issue while providing fair services
I am Fred. 3 years ago I decided to launch a company with 1 partner that would (1) help companies in emerging countries opening to the world, getting right advises while raising funds, (2) help companies developing following best practices, training staff and teaching international standards.
Our motivation was to help sharing knowledge and practices with the ones in emerging countries who are not well considered by developed countries ; we were charging reasonable (not to say cheap) fees on success basis to show our commitment to deliver successful services. For 2 years we could do our business, not living rich but living satisfied doing something Good.
However, 1 year 1/2 ago, a company in Lao PDR asked for a particular service: a consulting mission to acquire a telecom company and provide recommendations in terms of financing and reorganization for the acquisition to be successful.
For 1 year we help the company preparing the acquisition... for a fee to be paid of US30,000 after showing our results. 6 months ago, we finalized and presented our results ; the client validated our work and specified that, according to our engagement letter, my company would be paid.
However, as the acquisition transaction had to be stopped for governmental reasons, the client is now reluctant to pay our fee.
it has been 1 year and 1/2 that I am working "for free", and the only choice I have to be paid is to hire a lawyer to sue the cheating company. I have contacted a lawyer already (ZICO law Laos - possible to find the reference on internet), and the legal opinion is that I should be paid, however I need to pay around US$3.600 deposit to atart the legal process.
I have a family, I have no money and I need this fee to be paid to move forward... i am now turning to this crowdfunding solution because I have no solution.
i would be really grateful if people could help me solving this case.
Help Veteran Hire Lawyer for Civil Rights Lawsuit
A little about me before we segue into the problem at hand: I joined the army directly out of high school, and I was Honorably Discharged in 2012 following a combat tour in Iraq. Never have I experienced racism until I became a civilian. I had my civil rights violated on May 13, 2017, with Officer Michael Brooks being the lead perpetrator. I was unlawfully arrested (kidnapped) and jailed until I paid a bond (extorted) under the overtly ridiculous premise of "PUMPING GAS TWICE WITH 2 GIRLS IN THE CAR" and subsequently charged with obstruction. I cannot believe this happened to me. I am infuriated that this fiasco of "justice" was enacted and condoned by agents of the State government, the government in which I personally sacrificed my health and welfare to defend. I do not feel safe for myself or other freely roaming citizens of the United States for as long as Officer Michael Brooks is a cop. He even dared to mock my military service while I was in the back of his police car. The insolence of this thug must be punished, and his superiors must be held accountable.
I plan to use all funds accrued to assemble a legal team at my defense as well as to file a lawsuit against the entire town of Smyrna (Georgia).
Video of the transgression has since gone viral: https://www.facebook.com/policethepoliceACP/videos/1771252829558372/?autoplay_reason=gatekeeper&video_container_type=0&video_creator_product_type=2&app_id=2392950137&live_video_guests=0
I plan to use all funds accrued to assemble a legal team at my defense as well as to file a lawsuit against the entire town of Smyrna (Georgia).
Video of the transgression has since gone viral: https://www.facebook.com/policethepoliceACP/videos/1771252829558372/?autoplay_reason=gatekeeper&video_container_type=0&video_creator_product_type=2&app_id=2392950137&live_video_guests=0

Please help me keep my home.
hello,my name is merl and i am trying to raise enogh funds to keep my home.my parents passed away leaving no will and now i need an attorney to have the home put in my name.i live on a fixed income that leaves me little money to afford one and thats why im here.i've tried legal aid,bar association of my home state and all pro bono lawyers,but no luck,i'm either not qualified or no money.ive never asked for help before and if there was some other way...if you can help i would be most grateful and if you cant,please keep me in your prayers.thank you and many blessings
Funded Justice

Please help Andrew ,so he can hold his Kids again
Hi my name is Martina.I am from Germany and live with my husband of 27 years in Virginia., 22 Military years.I am pleading with you on behalf my 24 year old son who is currently incarcerated in Tampa Florida.He is awaiting trial and his lawyer is requesting another $50,000,00 to move forward.At this time the only thing is being done is the court date gets moved further back until the funding is received to proceed,The district attorney has offered him a plea agreement for 40 years.THATS NOT AN OPTION!
Our resources are so limited due to the long distance between Florida and Virginia.The only communication that we are able to have with him are a few e-mails and phone calls .which are also very expensive,
My husband and I have depleted all of our resourses 2nd mortage,family and friends all helped to pay for the first $55,000.00 that where needed as a retainer and to get to the point where we are now,We asked you please put your self in our shoes and imagine that this was your son or daughter needing help and what lenght would you go to help them.He feels hopeless not to have a fair trial and proof he is not guillty,because of the shortness of money and his color.With the relationship with us we hopefuly can give him hope guidance and support.There put him on all kinds of meds because of his nightmires he never had before.His Kids are crying for his Dad and keep asking me when dad is coming home.His children misses him trribly.There are with out there Dad already 14 month, and it is so hardt to explain a 6 and a 4 year old we have to get the money together and hope he can get a fair trial .For the lawyers this situation is just a business and charge alot .for us it is alot of pain>
We feel that my son is not able to get a fair trial due to the circumstances that were part of the initial investigation, Evidence was distroyed and handled improperly,Interviews were conducted with prejudice.Florida law enforcement was very bias due to the fact that my son is mixed and the victim was white.Please find your hearts to help us and my son.We feel that this is our last resort.PlEASE. PLEASE, PLEASE!!!!
My son is a Father of a 6,4 year old and a 5 month old Baby that he was never been able to hold,Theese children need there Daddy!!! Again please help us free our child and get him a fair trial Any amount can help,If all you can give is $1.00 it is $ 1,00 that we are closer to setting him free,Any amount is greatly appreciated.Thank you for just taking the time to read this,May God bless you.

3 Kids, 10 yrs litigated into poverty, 5 yrs more
Hello. I am a single mom litigated into poverty non-stop for 10 years by the father of our three children. I went through four domestic violence shelters and received state safe at home protection, but like many women, the court did not protect the children. They have only recently been assigned Minors counsel, and so now I owe my own attorney $18,000 and the children's attorney $3000. I've got not available credit, cannot get personal loans, have no remaining assets, and am on food stamps and selling my clothes and shoes to make rent to house us. Each year my ex has sued me every quarter since 2006 when I left him, and court attorneys and required experts, child therapists, and evaluations has averaged $70,000 per year, which I've paid and borrowed from every friend and relative, straining all relationships against the endless tide of litigation as abuse my ex continues. My ex filed first with legal aid to create a conflict of interest 10 years ago with the county before getting private counsel, blocking me from any free legal aid I might have pursued. I'm asking for your donations, the kindness of strangers, to help us pay what's owed because my attorney filed pay or quit with court, and we still have proceedings in July to re-determine custody and support orders based on the input of the children's attorney and the PhD assigned. I can also provide the attorney names to have them paid directly if you are kind enough to pay our bills. I really can't say when this will end other than 2444 days until my youngest turns 18 (as of this posting). Please consider helping us. We are desperate.

True Competitors- Bringing Joy to Sick Children
We are raising funds to pay for the development of the True Competitors Mobile App. We have completed the wireframes and have a development company ready to begin work on the app.
Our app will make it possible for children in hospitals to communicate directly with their favorite professional athletes and teams. The app will function similarly to other messaging apps, complete with profiles as well as photo and video capabilities.
Here are the steps to how this app will help us achieve our mission:
- Children will have the opportunity to connect with their favorite teams and athletes using the True Competitors mobile app
- The True Competitors app will allow children to communicate with their favorite athletes to establish supportive and meaningful relationships for the children, families and athletes.
- Through the True Competitors app, children will be given a chance to meet and develop friendships with their athletic heroes.
Our Story
The story of True Competitors dates back to 2014 when I got the pleasure of meeting and being teammates with Clayton Mortensen. After getting to know Clayton and being his roommate I learned that there was way more driving him than just the love for the game of baseball. He was grinding and competing every day for his family, but most of all for his son Miles who was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma at age two.

Being around Clayton away from his family while his son was in and out of the hospital fighting for his life really made me admire what this family was all about. As much as he wanted to be there, Clayton knew he had to keep playing to support his family at all costs. Looking for a way to keep Miles’ spirits up while he was away, Clayton would send pictures, messages, and videos from players’ to encourage him to keep fighting. Miles is still in the fight against cancer today and he drives my passion.
That’s when I thought, “How can I make this same type of support possible for children across the country?” I saw how happy it made everybody involved and the idea of True Competitors was born.
The name “True Competitors” has a dual meaning that is important to me. As a professional baseball player, I have been competing for almost my entire life. But, baseball is just a game. Every day there are thousands of children across the country competing against life threatening diseases. All of these kids are the real True Competitors.
My experience with Miles has given me a passion to reach as many sick children and their families who are going through similar situations to help give them hope and support. True Competitors will help to make new friendships, build relationships and best of all encouragement and happiness will be passed around the country!
Together, we can all make a difference for children across the country.
-Casey Coleman, Founder
P.S.- I’d like to offer a sincere thank you to everyone who is able to help us support these kids across the country. If you are unable to make a charitable contribution, please help by sharing our campaign across your social media platforms.

Hello. I am posting this for some dear friends of mine:
We are trying to raise money to help us get our son exonerated/released by DNA. He was denied independent testing and the government breached on the plea deal.
We have spent our savings and hope of retirement on the previous attempts at proving his innocence. Things did not go as we expected and until recently we had almost given up hope. Now we have come in contact with an attorney that we feel will be able to get him exonerated/released, but we need help with the attorney fees and any further testing that will be necessary.
This will involve two different counties and the fee to even get started is $8,000. Costs will go higher than that so that is why we have the goal of $12,000. The sooner we get this amount the sooner we can begin the process. No amount is too small and will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you and God Bless,
Bob and Chris
We are trying to raise money to help us get our son exonerated/released by DNA. He was denied independent testing and the government breached on the plea deal.
We have spent our savings and hope of retirement on the previous attempts at proving his innocence. Things did not go as we expected and until recently we had almost given up hope. Now we have come in contact with an attorney that we feel will be able to get him exonerated/released, but we need help with the attorney fees and any further testing that will be necessary.
This will involve two different counties and the fee to even get started is $8,000. Costs will go higher than that so that is why we have the goal of $12,000. The sooner we get this amount the sooner we can begin the process. No amount is too small and will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you and God Bless,
Bob and Chris

Please help me call Jehovah's Witnesses to account
My name is Mark Warburton, I am 65 years of age. I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness. I am a spiritual, moral and decent person.
During the course of my earlier life, I relied on this community; I have had many fine friends within the movement. Now, none of these friends will have much to do with me. My remaining family members consider that I do not exist. Why?.....because in 2002 I was "disfellowshipped", for cause........I stumbled in a single instance of adultery, with the woman who now is my wife. This occured during a troubled time in my life. The trouble had much to do with the faith known as Jehovah's Witnesses.
I have satisfied the procedures outlined in JW publications for re-admission but I have run afoul of the individuals whose responsibility it is to "reinstate" me. In January of 2007, a reinstatement committee had been formed to hear my request in Dieppe NB; my request was approved. Before any such reinstatement can take place, it is reviewed by Canada Branch personnel on behalf of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Canada, a body corporate. One individual, Mr. Rodney Jung, exercised his position within the WTB&TS to veto. Mr. Jung has taken a personal dislike to me. Mr. Jung has used his 25+ service as a leader of the JW's in Canada in a personal and vindictive way against me.
Subsequent to this turn down, over a period of years I attempted to make application again on multiple occasions. I attended meetings in Shediac, NB and in Salisbury, NB; JW official policy states that one might apply at any location where one attends meetings. Mr. Michael Goodwin, a Regional Supervisor for the WTB&TS in Atlantic Canada at the time, directed these congregations to refuse my requests.
During the year 2016, I attended and made my last request for reinstatement at Burlington ON. My request was turned down in November 2016.
Contrary to the information produced in the official handbook for JW policy, where it is stated that repentance based on appreciation of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the basis for forgiveness, and for reinstatement, the actual requirement is to demonstrate a worshipful attitude towards those who administer the "Organization" known as Jehovah's Witnesses. Such requirement, for worship of men, violates the teachings of Jesus Christ.
I have engaged in correspondence with the National Coordinator at the Canada Branch, Mr. Warren Shewfelt, with the Governing Body (a committee of 8 men) of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses at their New York Headquarters and with the General Counsel of the Legal Department for the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society in New York, Mr. Philip Brumley.
On January 4, 2017, I composed a letter to the Governing Body containing 20 questions related to treatment I have received over the years by their appointed representatives; this letter named names and cited specific interactions involving, not only myself, but, my aged parents, my wife, my children and my siblings. My questions suggested behaviour that is anything but Christian; a decision was made to investigate; the Canada Branch was asked to look into my questions and provide a report. In a telephone conversation with Mr. Shewfelt in late April (JW's rarely provide written replies), I was informed that I am not entitled to have my questions answered; that as a disfellowshipped person, I am not entitled to ask questions; no report has been forthcoming.
Now.....here is the rub - Jehovah's Witnesses consider themselves to be a "cut above" other Christian churches. At their inception, when they were known simply as The International Bible Students, they made claim to having no fulltime, professional, paid clergy as a way of saying that their worship was free of the weight of a supervising structure. It is reported that adherents of the IBSA at the time used to stand in front of churches on Sunday mornings, holding up signs which read "Religion is a Racket and a Snare".
Today, there is no better example of a religious body that is more subject to the politicking, the hypocrisy and the intimidation which has plagued every religious organization since the days of the Court of Star Chamber. Jehovah's Witnesses are an authoritarian cult; and while the people you meet when they knock at your door are decent, moral and humble, their leaders, by their conduct, are quite simply “dressed up in sheep's clothing”.
I need your help to fund a challenge in Court.
More than this, I am looking for help in publishing a book, entitled A Counterfeit Kingdom, which is nearly half complete; the book is an exposé with a positive message about a New World Order that will accomplish mankind's needs.........for love, for peace and for security.
I welcome all donations AND all comments.
Thank you.

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