My name is Mark Warburton, I am 65 years of age. I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness. I am a spiritual, moral and decent person.
During the course of my earlier life, I relied on this community; I have had many fine friends within the movement. Now, none of these friends will have much to do with me. My remaining family members consider that I do not exist. Why?.....because in 2002 I was "disfellowshipped", for cause........I stumbled in a single instance of adultery, with the woman who now is my wife. This occured during a troubled time in my life. The trouble had much to do with the faith known as Jehovah's Witnesses.
I have satisfied the procedures outlined in JW publications for re-admission but I have run afoul of the individuals whose responsibility it is to "reinstate" me. In January of 2007, a reinstatement committee had been formed to hear my request in Dieppe NB; my request was approved. Before any such reinstatement can take place, it is reviewed by Canada Branch personnel on behalf of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Canada, a body corporate. One individual, Mr. Rodney Jung, exercised his position within the WTB&TS to veto. Mr. Jung has taken a personal dislike to me. Mr. Jung has used his 25+ service as a leader of the JW's in Canada in a personal and vindictive way against me.
Subsequent to this turn down, over a period of years I attempted to make application again on multiple occasions. I attended meetings in Shediac, NB and in Salisbury, NB; JW official policy states that one might apply at any location where one attends meetings. Mr. Michael Goodwin, a Regional Supervisor for the WTB&TS in Atlantic Canada at the time, directed these congregations to refuse my requests.
During the year 2016, I attended and made my last request for reinstatement at Burlington ON. My request was turned down in November 2016.
Contrary to the information produced in the official handbook for JW policy, where it is stated that repentance based on appreciation of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the basis for forgiveness, and for reinstatement, the actual requirement is to demonstrate a worshipful attitude towards those who administer the "Organization" known as Jehovah's Witnesses. Such requirement, for worship of men, violates the teachings of Jesus Christ.
I have engaged in correspondence with the National Coordinator at the Canada Branch, Mr. Warren Shewfelt, with the Governing Body (a committee of 8 men) of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses at their New York Headquarters and with the General Counsel of the Legal Department for the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society in New York, Mr. Philip Brumley.
On January 4, 2017, I composed a letter to the Governing Body containing 20 questions related to treatment I have received over the years by their appointed representatives; this letter named names and cited specific interactions involving, not only myself, but, my aged parents, my wife, my children and my siblings. My questions suggested behaviour that is anything but Christian; a decision was made to investigate; the Canada Branch was asked to look into my questions and provide a report. In a telephone conversation with Mr. Shewfelt in late April (JW's rarely provide written replies), I was informed that I am not entitled to have my questions answered; that as a disfellowshipped person, I am not entitled to ask questions; no report has been forthcoming. is the rub - Jehovah's Witnesses consider themselves to be a "cut above" other Christian churches. At their inception, when they were known simply as The International Bible Students, they made claim to having no fulltime, professional, paid clergy as a way of saying that their worship was free of the weight of a supervising structure. It is reported that adherents of the IBSA at the time used to stand in front of churches on Sunday mornings, holding up signs which read "Religion is a Racket and a Snare".
Today, there is no better example of a religious body that is more subject to the politicking, the hypocrisy and the intimidation which has plagued every religious organization since the days of the Court of Star Chamber. Jehovah's Witnesses are an authoritarian cult; and while the people you meet when they knock at your door are decent, moral and humble, their leaders, by their conduct, are quite simply “dressed up in sheep's clothing”.
I need your help to fund a challenge in Court.
More than this, I am looking for help in publishing a book, entitled A Counterfeit Kingdom, which is nearly half complete; the book is an exposé with a positive message about a New World Order that will accomplish mankind's needs.........for love, for peace and for security.
I welcome all donations AND all comments.
Thank you.

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