Eric Clanton was the victim of being falsely accused of assault by internet hate groups, which lead to his arrest. Evidence is circumstantial at best and has been heavily doctored by radical hate sites such as 4chan and Stormfront to incriminate Eric. He currently sits in jail awaitng trial for a crime he did not commit. We have made this fundraiser to assist Eric and his family with legal expenses.
Eric is a valuable member of the community and a gentle soul, which makes this false arrest even more of a tragedy. As a college professor, he has touched many student's lives. As a friend, he has always brought a smile to the faces of everyone around him. He constantly fought for the rights of the underprivleged and wanted nothing more than to make this world a better place. A good and honest man's reputation has been tarnished by hateful criminals on the internet and even though he will without a doubt beat the extremely weak case against him, the costs of such a high profile case could be staggering.
We hope to raise as much money as possible to give to Eric's family to cover his bail and legal expenses. As bail is set at $200,000, our first goal is to raise the $20,000 necessary to get Eric released. He does not belong in prison and it isn't right to keep him there.
Please see it in your heart to get Eric back home to his friends and family. An innocent man is in jail.

Guys like this are why we have jails