Hello All,
My name is Kamilla and I am seeking your help to help me and my family to get my mom out of jail.
To give you a better idea as to what happened, I would like to say that our problems have started two years ago when the management company of the building where we were living at the time had opened a case against my mom for unpaid rent. We have had money problems for quite some time before that and at the moment, we can even afford a lawyer and I am not sure how else to raise money.
My mom has an elderly father (76) who this year, had lost a son. And now his only daughter is such trouble, so he is not coping well and I need to do something to help. I also am really worried about my mom. I am an only child and she is the most important person I have in my life.
I am currently unemployed but I am looking for a job and working on searching for money from relatives and what not. 

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