Monday, July 17, 2017

A mother's prayer please help mend my broken heart

Through out life we really didn't have much, we struggled a lot financially but what we had was more then that because we had something that money couldn't buy, we had each other. Through thick and thin we were a family that had a bond that couldn't be broken. That was in tell June/15/2008,  Father's day, the man that I had shared 30 years of my life with since I was 14 year's old, the father of my 5 children had passed away very unexpectedly. On Father's Day of all day's. It will be 9 year's tomorrow since he left but the pain still feels as if it was yesterday. On January/18/2017 I found my 33 year old daughter face down in our kitchen unresponsive, we called 911 but it was too late she was gone and it's by far the worse pain that I have ever felt in my entire life, I can't find the words. Now the so called Justice System has unfairly taken my son away from me, sentenced to 14 1/2 years. They had promised to get him the mental help that he needed, they had promised to offer him a deal of 3 years prison and 2 years probation but they never offered him anything. My son is a good person, he didn't deserve this. My biggest fear is that I die before he gets to come home. I found an attorney willing to file his appeal. I just need help making the first down payment, I can handle the rest. I can't do anything to bring Jeff or my daughter Amy back but I shouldn't be forced to live without my son too. 

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