Monday, July 17, 2017

Walk toward freedom/ DAVID DOOLEY

My name is Janet Dooley, the wife of David Dooley.  Some of you that read this know our story and the hell David Dooley has been through. May 29th 2012 Michelle Mockbee was murdered at her workplace. David and myself did all janitorial cleaning at this facility. Within 24 hrs David Dooley was their main and only suspect. After 4 months and endless interviews David was arrested. Our nightmare just kept getting worse . Detective said David changed his story.  All the DNA found at the crime scene did not match David Dooley . Our cars , home clothes and shoes were checked and other items tested for DNA and results came back, not a match. After endless continuous from prosecution Daves trial started in September 2014 and was found guilty. Our family was crushed ! How can this be ? Not one shred of evidence. 
apoeals process started, and we had no idea how long this takes. Our story was on Dateline and viewers were shocked David was arrested and even more shocked he was found guilty. We are at 41/2 years and still fighting for the truth. What's missing ? How could this happen? So many questions,,, but no answers . Our hearts ♥️ are broken. 
September 2016 I received a phone call from Daves attorney. Expecting appeals verdict I rush straight to her office. Now I find Daves nightmare was intentionally done at the hands of prosecutor and detectives. OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM FAILED DAVID DOOLEY. They whole trial was based on evidence that no one can enter or leave the parking lot of the facility where victim was found unless seen on camera. A surveillance video camera that defense never got.  Our prosecutor is married to a judge in our county. LTS PROSECUTOR FOR BOONE COUNTY,,,, BRUCE detective,,,, Everett,, detective all let David and victims family down.  LTS found out their was a man walking on the property 10 hrs before the murder . The so called random dude never was seen leaving the parking lot. Detectives and prosecutor decided not to mention this guy and gave the guy a name of another truck driver in case defense would find out. How would defense find out ? Not by prosecutor or detectives !!! The surveillance video has come to light and more is on this video that defense could have used. 
A whistleblower is what they call a young man that worked in Boone County prosecutor office. I call him our Angel. He stumbled across emails and text messages on public server while trying to find a cold case.  The emails and down loaded text messages were between prosecutor and detective. It seems they were having affair and things ended bad between them. She  LTS was worried defense could or would find out about surveillance video and evidence withheld and the whole case would be tainted. LTS also told Bruce she thought he had change. See Pulling A Bruce was a joke to everyone in Boone county. Bruce was known as a bad cop ! He did things do get what he wanted. Turning off tape recorders during interviews , searching things without search warrant. His work file was sanitized so defense would not know about his issues. Prosecutor LTS  knew about Bruce ,but her affair with him was more important than the oath she took when becoming prosecutor. 
Attorney general put Daves appeal on abeyance ( put appeal on hold. Both detectives and prosecutor had a hearing and judge agreed they should have turned over evidence and Daves conviction was vacated. David gets a new trial. Daves attorney and others will be working around the clock. Their are 4 unknown male DNA on victim and we want to find out who it belongs too. We will have attorney fees and other fees to pay for. DNA TESTING  is expensive but important. 
Please help us bring david Dooley home. Even if it's only 10.00 , it will help reach our goal. 
Thank you and God bless everyone. 

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