My name is seth and my wife and I are currently working towards raising 5500.00$ in order to get a modification to my custody agreement in order to see my son over the past 4-5 years we have continously made efforts to work with my sons mother to co parent but have had no luck at all I have spent periods of time the longest being close to two years with no contact whatsoever with my son who lives in dallas tx My wife and i are currently living in houston I have made numerous trips to dallas which is almost a five hour drive only to have the door slammed in my face as well as continuously not answering my phone calls as well as letters I just recieved a text from my son the other day after finally getting to spend the weekend with him after almost two years that his mother had told him that he is no longer allowed to speak with me. All these problems are completely unjustified because not only have i kept up with my child support but have never given her any reason not to trust me with my son. I have become frustrated to the point i can no longer play these games with her even when i tried to exercise the outdated rights i do have and her slammming the door in my face i called the police only to wait for over 5 hrs in a rough neighbor hood in dallas for them to not even show up. There is both physical and mental abuse happening which the physical abuse i submitted photo evidence of the bruising to cps, and all they did was talk to her and close the case she also has failed at least one drug test with cps but nobody seems to care my son tells me every time i actually do get to see him that he doesnt want to go home and that he wants to live with my wife and I. I am currently working full time as a cook for a hotel here in houston as well as a student in college working towards a better life for all of us, however i cannot wait any longer to resolve this matter and could use any help that is available in order to get the process started,
Thank you for your time if nothing else

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